DĂ©veloppeur Ruby on Rails basĂ© Ă Paris. Mon expĂ©rience prĂ©cedente de Product Manager sur des apps B2C et B2B (5 ans) me permet dâapporter de la vision produit dans mon travail de dev.
Créateur de TrainStory, un planificateur de voyages en train en Europe. Stack:
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Hotwire: Turbo/Stimulus
9-week intensive coding bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES6, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku and Ruby on Rails. Designed, implemented and shipped to production a clone of AirBnB and a Rails prototype of Zenloop.
Working with a team scattered across Europe on 2 different projects:
- Coorganiz (B2C app, iOS/Android/web), an app that helps the organization of small communities
- Calizy (B2B app, iOS/Android/web), a SAAS product that facilitates appointment booking for companies
- discussing: collect and challenge users/clients wants/needs
- reframing: find the generic feature(s) hidden behind the specific, complex needs
- planning: maintain the product roadmap, prioritize future developments
- designing: specifications writing, with UI conception
- managing: support the development teams during their coding sprints
- QA: test the new features